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  Of course. Now she understood. They did not want their line to die out. If they agreed to pair with her and Reynaldo, there was a chance that a child of their blood would one day be born. She turned back to them. "Do they understand that the first child must be from the seed of Reynaldo?"

  "They understand this."

  She cocked her head to study them. "Are pens so rare then, that they must bargain for a child?"

  "It is you who is rare, Maiden. And they know this. You are no ordinary swanshifter." He swept his arm out over the lake. "They all know this. You are the chosen one."

  She shook her head. "I am but a simple woman. I never asked more than that. You all expect too much."

  "No, Martine. You expect too little. You are from the other world. Do you not realize that few pass between the worlds as you have done? And even less survive. If anyone can save our world, you can do it. These two know this as well. They would not accept any less to carry their progeny. Only you. And they will wait for the timing to be right."

  She walked over to them and slipped a hand beneath each cape to glide up over hard, smooth chests. She looked at each of them, saw their eyes darken, their chests expand. She dropped her hands to grasp each cock, her eyes widening at the breadth and length of each.

  "They are acceptable, Arwen. Please leave us so that we may become better...acquainted." She did not turn to see if he did as she requested. Nothing was in her mind but these two perfect specimens.

  Hands reached out for her. Strong arms gripped and lifted her until she was eye level with both. As she looked into their eyes she swore she could see into eternity. Lips nuzzled to each side of her face as they drew her closer between them. First one mouth clamped over hers, driving his tongue deep into her mouth. Her stomach somersaulted and tightened.

  They lifted and spread her lengthwise between them, forming a strong bed of muscled arms supporting her. Dion leaned forward to taste her breasts, suckling as though they belonged to him. Renn sucked at her lips, bent her back, then raised his head to gaze down at her. It was then that Dion lowered his head and feasted on her lips as Renn sucked at her breasts.

  Slowly she felt herself being lowered to the ground. As she rested on the bank of the lake, Renn moved down between her legs, spread her open and lowered his mouth to her labia and began licking and tasting of her cream. She was dizzy with the desire she experienced, the world about her spinning out of control as pleasure consumed her.

  Renn was at her breasts, using his hands to play across her skin like ethereal feathers fluttering over her. She felt herself gather momentum, like preparing for flight. Running, skittering over the surface of the water, rising higher and higher. And then she exploded, soaring free in ways she had never done before.

  She gasped and arched and then fell back upon the ground, striving for control. Hands stroked her body and Dion rose above her, looking down at her. She saw a faint smile hovering at the edges of his beautiful mouth.

  ::This is what he will see when he comes tonight. And he will be unable to resist you.::

  His words were in her mind, his gaze searing and possessive.

  She turned as Renn moved to her other side, drawing her gaze to him.

  ::We will pair with you, pen, and we will care for you and the cat shifter well. Have no fear.::

  She reached up to stroke each of their strong jaws. "He will not be able to resist you, for I cannot resist you myself. You will make me love you, won't you? How can I not?"

  Hands again began stroking her body as they each lay stretched out beside her. She inhaled their aroma, memorized them, blended them with her own. Their scent became hers, and her scent theirs, mingling into one aroma that became theirs, always recognizable as belonging to each other.

  She had been able to set aside emotion with her imprisonment, but she saw now that her whole being would be intertwined with the pairing. It could not be otherwise. One day she would give these beautiful swanshifters, who were destined to be paired with her forevermore, their greatest desire. Together they would bring Reynaldo the love and peace he sought without understanding his deep need to be loved. She understood it now, for she had the same need and had hidden it away.

  Strong, elegant hands touched her, making her come alive. Healing hands, took away the horrors of the past, of the other world.

  ::If we could fly away now--take you away with us to our mountain nest, we would do so. There you would be safe.:: It was Renn who spoke as he kissed her neck, down across her chest, to her full breasts. ::To share you with the catman will take getting used to. Already we love you.::

  She gasped and arched as their hands reached into secret places, driving her pleasure higher. "We cannot," she whispered. "He must be part of our pairing, you know this."

  She saw him nod. ::And so it shall be. We will accept and welcome him to our nest.::

  "Thank you." He leaned forward to brand her lips with his kiss and his scent.

  There was no separation in her mind between Dion and Renn. They were not separate beings in her soul, to her body. There could not be one without the other. And from this moment on there could be no her without them.

  They may not have fucked her as yet, knowing that Reynaldo must be first, but they were paired as surely as the sun blazed in the sky brightly each day. There could be no going back--their future was set before them.

  She rose from between them, shivering as she separated from their body heat. She reached out to them and they lifted from the ground to take her hands. "Come. We will go to my nest. I would become as well acquainted with your bodies as you have become with mine." She looked up at them with passion-filled eyes. "There is much about you I will take my time in memorizing before the full moon is upon us. It is then that Reynaldo will come and we must be prepared."

  Chapter 5

  * * *

  Reynaldo was restless. He kept looking out the window at the lake shimmering in the moonlight. Satrius had shunned him tonight and he had no wish to go to Belinda. Let her mongrel service her if she was that badly in need of a good fucking.

  He yearned for something different, he just couldn't put a name to it. But he had an idea where to find it. Striding out the front door, afraid someone would try to stop him, he headed for the path through the forest that would take him to the edge of the lake. To where he knew the Maiden nested.

  He shifted easily into the form of a cougar and ran through the night, his eyesight keen. He slowed as he approached the clearing and then crouched, sidling closer to the forms at the lip of the lake. He could not be seeing what he thought he was. He shifted back into his human form, his attention glued to the tableau before him. It was a woman and two men. Beautiful men servicing the woman. She stood beneath the light of the full, silvery moon as though it shone just for her, its light drawn to her alone. It was like a ballet of images moving with fluid, otherworldly grace.

  She was arched, her full breasts thrust toward the shimmering light of the full moon above, her arms thrown back encircling the neck of the man behind her. The other man knelt in front of her, his head thrust between her snow-white thighs, his mouth delving into the shadow of her pussy. Reynaldo could not remember ever witnessing such an erotically charged sight in his life. His cock grew hard and thick, aching for not just the women but the perfection of the males attending her.

  He saw her buck, bowed to the sky, and knew the man who was kneeling had brought her to orgasm. Reynaldo fisted his own cock as he stood and watched the passion play out at the edge of the lake. Their positions altered. The one kneeling slowly rose to his feet, turning toward where Reynaldo stood watching. The other man released the Maiden's hands and she floated forward to stand beside the other man. She moved behind him and her arms encircled him, brushing across his chest and down over his groin. The man who had held her arms moved to his knees and in slow motion consumed the cock of the other as Reynaldo watched.

  Reynaldo licked his lips, wanted to be a part of the scene taking place before hi
m. He took a hesitant step forward, meaning to join them. Then he stopped when he was close enough to discern exactly who they were.

  All three were swanshifters. Beautiful, ethereal, desirable. His cock ached to be touched by them. To bathe in their light. Suddenly, the one kneeling turned to look at him, then rose and walked to him. He took his hand and led him forward. Martine stepped from behind the other one and stood facing him.

  Reynaldo was at a loss for words, consumed by desire and need.

  "They wish to give you pleasure, Renaldo. This one," she pointed to the man standing behind her, "is Dion. The one holding your hand is Renn." Dion stepped out from behind her and moved toward Reynaldo.

  He was blinded by their beauty, seduced by their sexual magic which seem to reach out for him. "Come with us, Reynaldo. You belong here, not back there with them." He allowed them to lead him toward where he knew Martine's nest was located. When they reached the secluded spot, Dion and Renn helped him to lie upon the thick bedding. Dion moved immediately to take his cock into his mouth, suckling and licking. Reynaldo had never experienced such pleasure, not even with Satrius. This was beauty. A blinding surreal joy flooded through him. Renn moved over him, kissing him, teasing his tightly beaded nipples. No words were spoken, none needed as he gave himself over to them.

  After long moments, just as Reynaldo felt he was about to burst, Dion stopped and raised his head to look at Martine. As though by unspoken command, she moved to lie next to Reynaldo. She leaned over and looked down at him. With a finger she traced the lush expanse of his lips.

  "Fuck me, Reynaldo. I have waited a long time for you. They have prepared me and now they have prepared you. Come to me."

  He felt safe here, loved even. Protected from the darkness that had invaded his senses. Without hesitation, and with the help of Dion and Renn, he rose over her. Dion and Renn each clasped one of her legs and gently opened her to him like folding back the petals of a flower to reveal the inner, rich liquid nectar hidden inside. Her sex glimmered wetly, deep pink, her clit stiff, her lips engorged.

  He leaned down to kiss her and she eagerly greeted him, thrust her breasts upward to graze against his hard, pelted chest. Desire sizzled brightly inside him. It was not the consuming lust of Satrius. This was so very different. It was clean and right and stunning. He sank his cock into her heated core. He felt hands on his ass, stroking, encouraging as he thrust in and out. He was surrounded by magic, glorious and wonderful. My God, she felt like heaven as he sank deeper into her welcoming channel. She was slick and hot and tight and welcoming.

  She wrapped her arms around him and he powered easily within the silky glove of her flesh. Dion and Renn sprawled next to them, arms around both of them, stroking them, nuzzling and encouraging.

  He had never felt so loved in his entire life. Dion and Renn lifted Martine's legs to wrap around Reynaldo's waist hugging him closer. He lifted his head and first his lips were claimed by Dion and then by Renn, and finally by Martine.

  His movements changed. He brushed against her clitoris and felt her stiffen and then melt beneath him. He tunneled deeper into her pussy and exploded, his semen emptying deep into her womb as Dion and Renn lifted her hips and supported her as Reynaldo pulsed, filling her with his seed.

  He felt drained, but they didn't allow him to rest for long. Hands again began to stroke him, lips kissing and licking, driving him again to harden inside Martine's vagina until once again he could feel her gentle walls expand to accommodate his rigid girth. He began to move, faster and faster, driving deeper, touching her heart, reaching for her soul, hot friction searing them both. He heard her scream as she climaxed again, and it wasn't long before he followed her, rapidly filling her with his seed. Long moments later he finally pulled from inside her and Dion and Renn helped him to lie beside her. Dion stroked his sweat-streaked face.

  Dion then rose to his feet and helped Reynaldo to stand. ::Come with us.:: The words were in his mind and he turned a startled gaze to Dion's face. Dion smiled and nodded. ::She must rest. Renn and I will care for you now.::

  Renn carefully placed Martine's swan cloak over her and bent to kiss her cheek. Dion then bent to kiss her and Reynaldo did the same. A ritual of love and protection.

  He followed them out and into the lake where they washed each other, swam beneath the moonlight, and then he lay with them on the bank partly in and out of the water. He gained the courage to push Dion onto his back and kissed him with a long, lingering kiss, licking at his wet lips. He reached down to caress his cock which he found hard and throbbing, glistening with pre-cum. He moved down to suckle him, the flared head reaching the back of his throat. He tasted of light, of purity, of desire. Reynaldo felt cleansed by them.

  He felt a presence behind him and knew it must be Renn. It was Renn's fingers, wet and cool, that entered his anus. It was not a hard touch; it was seductive and pleasurable as the water lapped against and over their bodies. Dion's hands were tangled in his wet hair, encouraging him, kneading and accepting.

  He felt Renn position himself behind him. Felt his cock at his opening, pressing past the tight ring of muscle and burying himself deep inside his passage. Reynaldo sucked more greedily at Dion's cock. It tasted of pure, exotic heaven. He felt him thicken, hot and engorged. He traced the veins with his tongue, consumed him thoroughly as Renn built a steady rhythm of fucking him long and deep.

  Then a cool, wet hand wrapped around his own throbbing penis. God, it was perfect. Pleasuring and accepting, pushing him over the edge, and the others were not far behind as they came hard. He felt joy, so much joy he cried out with his passion, and tears spurted from his eyes. He was so filled with light, so much blinding light. He had shattered into a million pieces. After swallowing every drop of Dion's cum, he dropped over him, his head resting on Dion's abdomen.

  He felt Renn pull his softened prick from him and he dropped down beside him. They lay like that wrapped in each others arms as the water lapped over their bodies. And Reynaldo had never felt so content or so fulfilled.

  Their hands stroked and caressed him, making him feel one with them.

  ::You are a part of us now, Reynaldo,:: he heard Dion's voice inside his head. ::We are paired with Martine. Nothing can change that.::

  The hands soothed away his fears of what the sunlight would bring. Here and now, in the deep, silent night, he accepted Dion's soothing words. They comforted him.

  After a time, they rose as one and returned to the nest and to Martine. They bathed her in fresh water and then lay down beside her. Reynaldo wrapped his arms around her and Renn and Dion held them both within their embrace. Martine snuggled closer to him, her head beneath his chin. He felt their warm acceptance cocoon him.

  This is what he had sought all along. This feeling of closeness, this acceptance. The protectiveness of family. He had not felt that with Satrius or Belinda. There was so much warmth emanating inside him now, a burning flame that he never wanted to dowse. He now knew the difference between lust and love. The empty sexual, consuming lust that he had with Satrius and Belinda was not what he wanted. He wanted this.

  Dion's hand stroked his hair, soothing him. ::We shall help you, Reynaldo. We are as one now. They will not hurt you.::

  But Reynaldo knew differently. Dion and Renn, and even Martine, were beautiful, loving creatures. They didn't understand the malevolence beyond the lake. That which resided in his house. Not really. He wanted to protect them, but he wasn't sure exactly how he could go about doing that. He was afraid if Satrius discovered what had taken place tonight, he would try to kill them all. He could not let that happen. He must protect the ecstasy he had found here with the swanshifters. And there was no way he would send them away. Not now.

  But he must find a way to send Satrius and Belinda and their kind away without destroying them all.

  Chapter 6

  * * *

  "I must leave," Reynaldo whispered in her ear. She felt him move against her as though to rise from their nest.

  She stroked a hand along his well-muscled arm. "Must you? We want you to stay." She saw another hand move to his chest and stroke across it. It was Dion, who lay to the other side of Reynaldo. She felt Renn move against her back, felt his hard cock against the small of her back.

  "It is dangerous."

  "Just for a while longer." Gently she pushed him to his back and rose over him. Dion leaned over to kiss him and Renn moved closer to nuzzle against them.

  Three nights he had come to them. And three mornings he had left. She spread her legs and straddled him. With both hands she reached for his cock, coaxing and preparing him to accept her.

  She lifted and dropped down, his long, hard length burying deep inside her. She heard the deeply-embedded purr of pleasure. Then she began to ride him, slow and easy, rotating her hips, driving him deeper inside her.

  He was a beautiful catshifter. She still marveled over the fact that she, a swanshifter was now paired with a catshifter. Two so unlike creatures. Oh, he felt good inside her. This was one of those moments when she knew why she had flown through the arch--she knew her purpose and reveled in this pairing so unusual in its makeup.

  She lifted and slowly dropped down, his thick cock filling every crevice. She felt his heat, smelled his scent, different from her own kind, yet now combined with theirs. She threw her head back, reveling in the feel of him.

  Renn rose up behind her, his hands coming around her to fondle her breasts. She looked down to see Dion kissing Reynaldo passionately, playing with his nipples. How had this happened? Each of these male shifters now paired with her, loving and binding themselves to each other in the most intimate way possible. It was as though their bodies knew each other and synchronized, bringing each to the brink of passion. When one came, it triggered the sum of them, as together they reached the pinnacle of pleasure as one. So much pleasure, doubled, tripled, quadrupled between them.